The Kalamazoo Civil War Round Table has conducted fund raisers to support numerous Historic Preservation Efforts over the years. Generally, this support is in the form of a donation to a preservation fund organized to save a specific Civil War site from development. To date over $8,000 has been raised.
Past recipients of KCWRT donations include:
2020 - No donation made. Funds rolled into next year.
2019 - Civil War Preservation Trust
2018 - Civil War Preservation Trust (Fort Donelson, Brown’s Ferry, and Franklin, TN)
2017 - Civil War Preservation Trust (VA and WV land acquisition)
2016 - Civil War Preservation Trust (Shiloh Battlefield, TN)
2015 - Civil War Preservation Trust (Stones River, Perryville, Mill Springs)
2014 - Civil War Preservation Trust
2013 - Perryville Battlefield
2012 - Civil War Preservation Trust
2011 - Civil War Preservation Trust
2010 - Mansfield and Fort DeRussy Battlefield